Friday, October 12, 2012


There are many different types of conversations. The main ones are conversations about subject ideas, facts, other people or about yourself. Conversations about subjective ideas are used to understand something or become better aware of it. Conversations about facts are used to discuss a specific topic related to actual occurances or facts. Conversations about other people, who are normally not included in the conversation, are used to discuss ctricial, competitive or supportive views of that person (this also includes gossip). Conversations that are about oneself often show attention seeking behavior but also can show accurate information about yourself. Each of these things are needed to be able to communicate effectivelly. I am glad that within our culture we are able to converse with most everyone as well as discuss a wide range of topics with a large group of people.
She had lost the art of conversation but not, unfortunately, the power of speech.
George Bernard Shaw
I think that this quote shows that even though we know how to talk, we dont necesarily know how to have a conversation.


  1. This posting offers some great analysis of conversation, and the inclusion and application of the quote was a great addition. 12/12 earned

  2. I really like your quote Aubrey:) Your blog is really nice. :)
