Tuesday, October 2, 2012


The do's and don'ts of the internet are quite straight forward and understandable. Most of the rules are common sense, while others some might not understand why it would be a rule, non the less implemented throughout their internet career. The key rules to using the internet are; remember that you are talking to another person, respect their time and space, if you wouldn't say it in person then don't say it online, project yourself as a positive and well rounded being, share your knowledge, stay out of flame wars, don't abuse your powers on the internet and be forgiving to other peoples mistakes. I think that if every one followed these rules then there would be a lot less cyber bullying in general.
 Also be careful in how you word things, or this might happen.

1 comment:

  1. Another good explanation for something we covered in class. I especially like the rule that if you wouldn't say it in person, you shouldn't say it online. So true! 12/12 earned
